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Ladies, you would be in a very small minority if you had never experienced a vaginal yeast infection at some point.

Yet these are normal only in the sense that they’re the likely result from a diet that includes excessive sugar consumption (even indirectly), overuse of antibiotics, and other factors, many of which you’ll get to discover later in this article.

Vaginal yeast infections are no fun at all―I don’t need to tell you that.

They’re itchy and uncomfortable, and they get in the way of your sex life; nobody in their right mind wants to put up with that.

However, vaginal yeast infections (thrush) are within your control. One way or another, it is our dietary ignorance that allows problems like thrush to bother us.

So, perhaps it’s time to read on for more information on why you get them and what you can do about them.

Vaginal yeast infections and candida overgrowth are incredibly common

Candida is a well-known word these days, mainly because so many people have suffered a whole host of unpleasant symptoms due to this rapidly proliferating yeast.

It turns from yeast to fungus when you inadvertently feed it with certain foods and drinks.

Fungus… that’s right.

The idea of having fungus growing in and on your body is enough to give most of us nightmares; nevertheless, it’s a common and very real problem.

Candida albicans is one of the most prevalent types of yeast that affects human beings.

Although it is naturally present in your body, it can quickly proliferate under the ‘right’ (or wrong, depending on perspective) conditions.

Speaking of perspective, consider this: just one cell of this yeast fungus can produce over 75 poisons and toxins that greatly challenge the immune system, leaving you open to other health conditions and even chronic diseases.

While that information sinks in, I’ll touch on the endemic issue of candidiasis: the name for chronic, untreated candida overgrowth that has become ‘systemic’.

In other words, candida yeast has broken through the gut wall and found its way into your blood stream.

It then works its merry way through your veins and sets up colonies of fungus wherever seems ‘comfortable’.

Comfortable for fungus tends to be warm, dark and moist places.

It may now be obvious why vaginal yeast infections come about!

Is candida causing your vaginal yeast infection?  

How can you tell if you have candida?

Well, let me start by saying that if you have thrush, you do.

It isn’t always easy to say how much of a problem it is within your body, but there are usually a few other signs as to how much candida you have, if you know what you’re looking for.

All too often the symptoms are explained away as normal and accepted as part of life; or attributed to some other cause.

For example, headaches are a common symptom of candida overgrowth but it is easy to overlook candida as the culprit because headaches are so common and difficult to pinpoint.

However, letting candida get out of control long-term can mean you’re going to have a huge battle on your hands later, with severe dietary restrictions necessary to overcome it. Not fun.

Other candida symptoms you should be aware of

A vaginal yeast infection is one of the most common candida overgrowth symptoms in women, but some of the other common symptoms include:

  • Skin infections like acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot
  • Fungal toenails or fingernails
  • Irritable bowel syndrome and food sensitivities
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings, anxiety and depression
  • Nasal congestion (especially first thing in the morning)
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Thrush (oral, genital or anal)
  • Infertility
  • Cold feet and hands
  • Body odor
  • Painful joints
  • Brain fog, poor concentration and memory
  • Fatigue and insomnia

Hard as this may be to believe, the above list mentions a few of the main candida symptoms, but there are many more.

Here’s the thing: if you are exhibiting any (and, almost definitely, if you recognize several) of those symptoms, you probably have candidiasis to some degree.

What’s more, recurrent vaginal yeast infections equate to a definite candida problem.

How did you get candidiasis?

I hate to break it to you, but there’s another bad news―a lot of aspects of modern life can feed candida. Sorry!

For instance, if you have indulged in a typical Western diet during your life, you’re a prime candidate.

Many people have been conditioned to see sugary foods as treats, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The Western diet is the main reason for this sickness.

Even though many people realize this, not all of them are aware that the actual condition they’re suffering from is candidiasis, and not just a series of unrelated ailments.

In combination with diet and environmental toxins, there are medicines such as antibiotics that can destroy the friendly gut bacteria that keep candida in check.

Birth control pills can alter the hormones (inadvertently feeding candida), and heavy metal count in the body also serves as food for this insatiable, non-fussy fungus!

How can you diagnose candidiasis?

Often the most difficult step is diagnosing candidiasis. As mentioned, a vaginal yeast infection is a strong indicator, but you can do more to find out how much of a problem you have.

There are tests you do online, and some physical tests you can order to carry out at home.

There is also a more basic spit test you can do at home, as follows:

  • Sleep with a glass of water by the bed.
  • Upon waking, spit on the top of the water.
  • If it floats on the top, you probably don’t have candida.
  • If it sinks to the bottom―especially in large quantities―you do have candida.

How to deal with vaginal yeast infections and candida overgrowth

OK, brace yourself: you’ll need to make some dietary and lifestyle changes, so discipline and nutritional research is required.

Candidiasis is considered one of the most difficult conditions to recover from, but there are some powerful products that will help you get to grips with this insidious fungus!

Of course, diet is still a major consideration and changes will need to be made if you are to remain free of candidiasis long-term.

You will need to think about doing a serious initial detox and probably some regular seasonal detoxes.

Firstly, you’ll have to cut out such foods as:

  • Cow’s milk and cheese.
  • Bread, wheat and gluten (refined carbs).
  • Alcohol (especially wine and beer).
  • All refined sugar (plus fruit sugars, for the first three months or until improvement).
  • Salt (which can convert to sugar in the blood).

Sugar is yeast’s absolute favorite food. Therefore, even fruit will have to be given up for a while―probably only about three months though.

All processed foods are trouble, but this is the case whether you have a candida problem or not!

The truth is that an unprocessed plant-based diet is one of the best routes to health, and it won’t feed candida.

Since the candida diet is such a massive topic, refer to this comprehensive candida guide for what you can and can’t eat.

There is also a range of candida clearing supplements you can take, including oregano oil (and or/other antifungal products), bicarbonate of soda, apple cider vinegar, grape seed extract, garlic and probiotics.

For natural, topical treatment of vaginal yeast infections, you can make a douche from bicarbonate of soda mixed with distilled water; emptying a probiotic capsule and a splash of apple cider vinegar into the mix will also help.

Some women beat it by inserting a raw garlic clove into the vagina for a few hours (perhaps best attached to a string/piece of cotton).

Medical treatment is generally an over the counter product such as Canesten, which comes in creams or pessaries. However, note that topical products will not clear an underlying candida problem.

To conclude, there is one positive aspect to this condition: the necessary evaluation of your food choices can lead to much better health and immunity.

We often forget listen to our bodies, yet the body always tells us what it needs and reacts negatively to detrimental consumption. No matter how subtle, the signs are there.

Dealing with your candida will be worth the effort, and you can say goodbye to those nasty vaginal yeast infections for good.