Hypertension: What is High Blood Pressure all about?
High blood pressure can be at best dangerous, and at worst fatal. Find out what hypertension is all about and how you can prevent or manage the condition
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Plagued by Low Back Pain? Here’s What You Can Do…
Suffering from low back pain? Nobody wants to deal with debilitating aches and pains, so read on for helpful insights and treatment tips
Suffering from Anxiety and Insomnia? Here’s what to do…
If you’re struggling with anxiety and insomnia, you are no doubt looking for some respite. MedFanatic is here to help with insights, tips and solutions
Diabetes Mellitus: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Get the lowdown on diabetes mellitus, what causes it, what the symptoms look like, and what to expect from treatments for diabetes type 1 and 2
Arthritis: How to Treat its Symptoms Effectively
Wouldn’t life be easier if you knew how to treat arthritis effectively? With a few lifestyle and dietary changes, it may not be as hard as you think